Water scarcity is not a new problem, it has affected different parts of the world for many years and is becoming visible because it is on the increase and probably spreading to a location near you. Communities facing water shortage resort to various strategies and technologies to manage water. Rationing its use to reduce consumption, practicing water saving techniques, reclaiming wastewater for use in applications where non-potable quality is acceptable, desalination, harvesting rainwater, harvesting water from the air, are the most common technologies available to manage shortage. The cost to implement these technologies depends on the investment required to install the facility to reclaim or produce water and on the operating expenses, mostly energy, incurred throughout its useful life. The impact on the price of water is generally high, where drinking quality water is the highest due to the amount of energy demand, normally electricity, it takes to produce it.
TTC Canada works with Canadian Dew Technologies Inc. (CanDew, www.candew.ca) a Canadian-based company dedicated to research, development and custom manufacturing of atmospheric water generators (AWGs) since 2003. CanDew’s WaterProducer™ model is designed for use in strategic geographic locations around the world, where cold water from the sea is used as coolant in the water producing process. The WaterProducer™ produces drinking quality water ranging from 2500 to 50000 litres per day at a lower cost compared to competitive systems and it is sized to complement other water technologies such as desalination.

TTC Canada in partnership with CanDew will study the viability and feasibility of applying the WaterProducer™ to your location and will develop the project to implement the facility required to produce the specified amount of water.